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Cops Bust Guy Selling Oven Door Disguised as HDTV

Published by JT under on 6:59 AM
Wtf... Found this today online. What has our society come to, that a person needs to rip off their oven door and try and sell it for $100?

"Wow, good try. San Leandro, California police stopped a man after reports he tried to sell an HDTV at a Wal-Mart parking lot. However! It turned out to be a plastic-wrapped glass oven door with Sony and Best Buy stickers.

The man is suspected of trying to charge $100 for what appeared to be a 37-inch flat screen television. He had even stuffed electronic cables and a manual in the back.

San Leandro police Lt. Pete Ballew called it a variation on the old "rocks in a box" scam, in which a box is presented as containing new, expensive electronics for sale but is actually full of rocks." (via Gizmodo)


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